Apprenticeship in Germany for Chinese

Apprenticeship in Germany for Chinese: Interested nationals from China can start a vocational training in Germany in order to learn a profession according to German standards. Requirements for applicants are good German language skills and a completed school education. We inform about the most important backgrounds and opportunities for Chinese to start an apprenticeship in Germany.

As a Chinese, is it possible to do a apprenticeship in Germany?

Yes, applicants from China can apply for an apprenticeship in Germany. For this purpose, a school leaving certificate of at least 9th or 10th grade must be available. In addition, all applicants must speak German at least at level B1 when applying.

How can you find a apprenticeship training position as a Chinese in Germany?

At you can order our newsletter. You will then receive all job advertisements and can apply directly. Other agencies offer similar services. It is also possible to apply directly to German companies. Often language schools abroad can also help to find a place for vocational training in Germany if they cooperate with an agency in Germany. cooperates with several language schools and agencies in China.

Application Timeline and Tips for Chinese Applicants: Timing is Key for Success

The application timeline for apprenticeships in Germany is an important factor that Chinese applicants need to consider. Most companies decide on the hiring of apprentices about half a year before the start of vocational training. Therefore, if a Chinese applicant wants to apply, it is best to send the application in January or February for apprenticeships starting in August or September. For nursing apprenticeships, which start in March and September, the application should be sent even earlier.

Understanding this timeline can significantly increase the chances of securing an apprenticeship. The earlier the application is sent, the higher the chances of success. This is because many companies receive a large number of applications and often start the selection process early. Therefore, early applicants have a better chance of standing out and making a strong impression.

The Ausbildung system in Germany is committed to promoting gender equality, encouraging women to pursue apprenticeships in traditionally male-dominated fields, and vice versa. For instance, efforts are being made to attract more women to apprenticeships in fields like engineering and IT, while more men are being encouraged to consider careers in fields like early childhood education and nursing.

However, it’s not just about sending the application early. The quality of the application is equally important. Chinese applicants should ensure that their application is well-prepared and presents their skills and qualifications effectively. This includes having a well-written cover letter, a detailed CV, and any relevant certificates or documents. It’s also important to prepare for potential interviews or assessments, which are often part of the application process.

How much does it cost?

Apprenticeships are free of charge for the trainees. During the vocational training the trainees receive a vocational training allowance (comparable to a salary). The amount of the allowance depends on the profession, the training company and the region in Germany. Participants need to cover all costs for their private life as accommodation, food, transportation, insurances etc. Some employers might contribute with special payments to some of these expenditures or offer discounted accommodation.

About the author: Dr. Wolfgang Sender studied sociology and political science and has been writing as a journalist on international career issues since 2018. He is the author of several books and many articles.

Facts and figures

  • Germany has one of the highest rates of apprenticeships in Europe.
  • In 2019, over half a million young people were enrolled in apprenticeship programs in Germany.
  • The most popular apprenticeship fields in Germany include engineering, healthcare, and IT.
  • China has been sending increasing numbers of students to Germany for apprenticeship programs.
  • The German apprenticeship system is known for its high quality and effectiveness in bridging the gap between education and work.
  • Many German companies offer apprenticeship programs as a way to train and retain skilled workers.
  • The average starting salary for an apprentice in Germany is around 900 euros per month.

Apprenticeship in Germany for Chinese: What to pay attention to

Do I need a blocked account for an apprenticeship in Germany?

A blocked account is occasionally required to obtain the necessary visa for Germany. Such a blocked account is usually required if you are not from an EU country. Whether you need such an account in your particular case depends, among other things, on the vocational training allowance (your salary) you receive in Germany. Therefore, you can only find out more details during the application process. If you have any questions in this regard, you can always contact the German missions abroad.

Family Accompaniment during Apprenticeship: Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese Apprentices in Germany

Family accompaniment during an apprenticeship in Germany is a possibility that Chinese apprentices might consider. In principle, it is possible for close family members of apprentices to join them in Germany during the apprenticeship. This is even encouraged by many employers, recognizing the importance of family support in the success of an apprentice.

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In principle, it is possible for close family members of apprentices to join them in Germany during the apprenticeship. This is even encouraged by many employers. It is possible, for example, that vocational training places for spouses or partners are found and the vocational training is completed together. It is also generally possible that children of apprentices also join their parents in Germany.

For instance, it is possible that vocational training places for spouses or partners are found and the vocational training is completed together. This not only provides a support system for the apprentices but also offers an opportunity for the family members to gain vocational training and experience in Germany. Furthermore, it is generally possible that children of apprentices also join their parents in Germany, providing a comprehensive family experience.

However, bringing family members to Germany during the apprenticeship also presents certain challenges. These can include finding suitable accommodation, managing living costs, and navigating the visa process for family members. Therefore, it’s important for Chinese apprentices considering this option to plan ahead and seek advice from relevant agencies or institutions. Despite these challenges, the opportunity to have family members join the apprenticeship journey in Germany can provide a rewarding and enriching experience for all involved.

Questions and answers

  1. Which is the maximum age for applying for an apprenticeship for Chinese?

    There is no formal age limit for an apprenticeship in Germany. For example, you can also apply for a nursing apprenticeship if you are 40 years or older and speak German at level B1/B2. For other professions you should note, however, that you will often study together with German trainees, who are generally between 16 and 25 years old. This age is typical for learning a profession in Germany. In general German employers are currently very open for a broad spectrum of ages.u003cbru003e

  2. When do I have to apply?

    Apprenticeships start in August/September of each year, for nursing in March and September. Most companies decide about half a year before the start of vocational training on the hiring of apprentices. So if you want to apply, it is best to send your application in January or February. At the latest, the application should be available in May. The following applies: The earlier you apply, the higher are your chances!

  3. How long does the apprenticeship in Germany take for Chinese?

    Depending on the chosen profession, the duration of the vocational training is between three and four years. During their vocational training in Germany, trainees work in the company (about 50% of the time) and attend a vocational school (about 50% of the time).

  4. Apprenticeship Training in Germany for Chinese: What diplomas are awarded?

    With the apprenticeship you will receive the state qualification of skilled worker. This offers excellent career opportunities in Germany. The skilled worker degree is an important step to apply for a permanent residence permit in Germany.

Understanding the Dual System of Apprenticeship for Chinese Applicants: A Balanced Approach to Vocational Training

The dual system of apprenticeship in Germany is a unique feature of the country’s vocational training system. It combines practical, on-the-job training with theoretical instruction in a classroom setting. This system provides apprentices with a comprehensive learning experience, equipping them with both the practical skills and theoretical knowledge needed in their chosen profession.

A man doing an Apprenticeship in Germany for Chinese
The Ausbildung system in Germany is increasingly engaging in international cooperation, partnering with institutions in other countries to exchange best practices and promote mutual learning. For example, German vocational schools have partnered with schools in countries like India and South Africa to share expertise and provide training for teachers and trainers.

For Chinese applicants, understanding this dual system is crucial. During their vocational training in Germany, trainees spend about 50% of their time working in the company and about 50% attending a vocational school. This balance allows apprentices to apply the theoretical knowledge they gain in the classroom to real-world situations in the workplace, enhancing their learning and preparing them for their future careers.

Moreover, the dual system also provides apprentices with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the German work culture and business practices. This cultural immersion can be particularly beneficial for Chinese apprentices, helping them to integrate into the German society and workplace more effectively.

Career Opportunities Post-Apprenticeship for Chinese Skilled Workers in Germany: A Pathway to Success

Completing an apprenticeship in Germany opens up a wealth of career opportunities for Chinese skilled workers. With the state qualification of a skilled worker, which is awarded upon completion of the apprenticeship, they can pursue a variety of career paths in Germany. This qualification is recognized and valued by employers across the country, offering excellent career prospects.

Moreover, the skilled worker degree is an important step towards applying for a permanent residence permit in Germany. This provides Chinese skilled workers with the opportunity to build a long-term career and life in Germany. It’s worth noting that many employers encourage and support their apprentices in this process, recognizing the value and skills they bring to the German workforce.

In addition to employment opportunities, the apprenticeship also equips Chinese skilled workers with the skills and knowledge to start their own businesses. Whether they choose to start a business in their field of training or venture into a new area, the practical experience and theoretical knowledge gained through the apprenticeship provide a solid foundation for entrepreneurship.

The Role of Agencies and Language Schools in Securing Apprenticeships: A Vital Link for International Applicants

Agencies and language schools play a crucial role in securing apprenticeships, particularly for international applicants. These institutions serve as a bridge between the applicants and the German vocational training system, providing guidance and support throughout the application process. They help applicants navigate the complexities of the system, from understanding the requirements of different apprenticeships to preparing for interviews and assessments.

A woman doing an Apprenticeship in Germany for Chinese
The Ausbildung system recognizes the importance of mental health, providing support and resources to help apprentices manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. For instance, many Ausbildung programs offer workshops on stress management and provide access to counseling services.

For instance,, a German-run agency, helps foreigners, including Chinese nationals, to start their apprenticeships in Germany. They provide a newsletter service that shares job advertisements, allowing applicants to apply directly. This kind of service simplifies the process of finding and applying for apprenticeships, making it more accessible for international applicants.

Language schools, on the other hand, play a dual role. They not only help applicants improve their German language skills, which is a key requirement for most apprenticeships in Germany, but they also often cooperate with agencies in Germany to help find placements for vocational training. For example, cooperates with several language schools and agencies in China, creating a network that facilitates the process of securing apprenticeships for Chinese nationals in Germany.

Assess Your Personal Suitability for an Apprenticeship in Germany

Before considering an apprenticeship in Germany, it is important to assess your personal suitability for the program. The following questions will help you evaluate if an apprenticeship in Germany is the right fit for you.

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