Healthcare jobs

Which professions exist in healthcare in Germany?

There are currently tens of thousands of vacancies in the healthcare sector in Germany. All jobs and training positions in the German healthcare sector are generally open to international applicants.

In a narrower sense, the possible jobs include:

Doctors (Allgemeinmediziner, Fachärzte, Anästhesisten, Chirurgen, etc.)
Nurses (Krankenschwestern, Krankenpfleger, etc.)
Physiotherapists (Physiotherapeuten)
Pharmacists (Apotheker)
Radiographers (Röntgenologen)
Medical Laboratory Technicians (Medizinisch-technische Assistenten, MTA)
Medical Assistants (Medizinische Fachangestellte, MFA)
Health Care Administrators (Gesundheitsmanager)
Social Workers (Sozialarbeiter)
Dietitians (Diätassistenten)
Occupational Therapists (Ergotherapeuten)
Speech Therapists (Logopäden)
Psychologists (Psychologen)
Medical Technicians (Medizintechniker)
Emergency Medical Technicians (Notfallsanitäter)
Midwives (Hebammen)
Home Health Aides (Hauskrankenpfleger)
Medical Coders (Medizinische Kodierer)
Medical Billers (Medizinische Rechnungsprüfer)
Health Information Technicians (Gesundheitsinformations-Techniker)

In a broader sense, this also includes experts from the fields of IT, healthcare administration and billing.

Where to work in the healthcare system in Germany?

Most of these jobs can be found in hospitals or doctors’ offices. However, there are also always job openings in nursing homes, retirement homes and other healthcare facilities.

Due to demographic trends in Germany, the healthcare system will have a significant need for skilled workers in the coming years. Doctors, nurses and caregivers in particular will be in demand. But other healthcare professions are also becoming increasingly important as people in Germany grow older.

What do I need to know about the healthcare system in Germany?

Germany has a statutory healthcare system that is financed by the health insurance funds. The healthcare system in Germany is a complex system that includes many different organizations and institutions.

Every resident in Germany is required to be insured by a health insurance company. Most people choose the statutory health insurance (GKV), which is jointly funded by employers and employees. With GKV, there is no age limit and everyone is eligible for health insurance.

The statutory health insurance in Germany offers comprehensive protection. As a rule, all citizens are covered by the statutory health insurance themselves from the age of 18; below that age, they are covered by their family. The benefits of the statutory health insurance are usually very good and comprehensive. For example, statutory health insurers usually pay 100 percent of the costs of medical bills and medications.

Private health insurance companies often offer special services and are less expensive for some people.

Pros and cons of the health care system in Germany


The health care system in Germany is a universal system available to all citizens.
Services are of high quality and medical care is largely evenly distributed.
There is a good selection of hospitals and specialists in Germany.
The healthcare system in Germany is financially sound and there is continuous investment from the government.


Bureaucracy for doctors and hospitals is high.
There are altogether too few staff in all areas.
Long waiting times for treatment are unfortunately not uncommon.

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