Studying in Austria: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

If you’re considering studying abroad, Austria should definitely be on your list of options. With a long history of academic excellence and a modern approach to education, Austria is an ideal destination for students seeking higher education. Studying in Austria provides opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and career development that you won’t find anywhere else.

From world-renowned universities to specialized study programs, Austria offers a diverse range of opportunities for students to explore. With a welcoming and supportive environment for international students, studying in Austria promises to be an unforgettable experience that will broaden your horizons both academically and personally.

Why Study in Austria?

Studying in Austria provides students with a high-quality education that is recognized internationally. Austrian universities offer a wide range of study programs, ranging from Arts and Humanities to Science and Technology. Austria is a popular destination for studying abroad because of its rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant student life.

Quality of Education

Austrian universities are known for their high academic standards and rigorous curriculum. Many universities in Austria are ranked among the top universities in the world, receiving high marks for their research output, teaching quality, and student satisfaction.

Students studying in Austria have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, such as libraries, laboratories, and research centers. Professors in Austrian universities are highly qualified and specialize in various fields, providing students with a diverse range of perspectives and knowledge.

Diverse Range of Study Programs

There are over 70 public and private universities in Austria, offering a diverse range of study programs in various disciplines. From traditional subjects like Law and Medicine to emerging fields like Renewable Energy and Artificial Intelligence, students have a wide variety of study options to choose from.

Many universities in Austria offer study programs in English, making it an attractive destination for international students. Students can choose to study at undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level, depending on their academic background and career goals.

Opportunities for International Students

Studying in Austria provides international students with a unique opportunity to experience a new culture, learn a new language, and make new friends from around the world. Austrian universities offer a welcoming and supportive environment for international students, providing them with the necessary resources and services to succeed academically and socially.

International students in Austria have access to various scholarships and financial aid opportunities, as well as opportunities for internships and work experience. Austria also provides a safe and secure environment for students, with a low crime rate and a high standard of living.

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Choosing a University in Austria

When it comes to choosing a university in Austria, there are several factors that students should consider in order to make an informed decision. One of the most important considerations is the location of the university, as this can have a significant impact on the student experience.

Some universities are located in major cities like Vienna or Salzburg, while others are situated in smaller towns or rural areas. Students should consider their personal preferences and needs when deciding on a location. For example, if they prefer a more urban environment with easy access to cultural attractions and nightlife, they may opt for a university in a big city. On the other hand, if they prefer a quieter and more peaceful atmosphere for studying, a university in a smaller town may be a better fit.

Another important consideration is the reputation of the university and the quality of its academic programs. Students should research the different universities in Austria and the academic programs they offer. They should look for universities that have a strong reputation in their field of study and offer high-quality programs with experienced faculty members. Academic rankings and reviews can also be helpful resources for assessing the quality of a university.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a University in Austria

Location Reputation Academic Programs
Urban vs. rural Rankings and reviews Diversity of programs
Proximity to attractions Faculty expertise Quality of teaching
Campus culture Research opportunities Availability of resources

Other factors to consider when choosing a university in Austria include the campus culture, research opportunities, and availability of resources. Students should explore the campus and get a sense of the student community, as this can have a significant impact on their overall experience. They should also look into research opportunities and resources, such as libraries, laboratories, and study abroad programs.

Ultimately, choosing a university in Austria requires careful consideration and research. By weighing the different factors and assessing their personal preferences and needs, students can make the best decision for their academic and personal growth.

Applying to Universities in Austria

If you are an international student interested in studying in Austria, there are several steps you must follow to apply to a university in the country. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Research Universities and Programs

Start by researching the universities in Austria and the programs they offer. Consider factors such as location, reputation, and course offerings. Identify universities and programs that align with your academic goals and interests.

Step 2: Check Admission Requirements

Once you have identified universities and programs of your interest, check their admission requirements. These may vary from university to university and program to program. Generally, admission requirements will include academic transcripts, language proficiency test scores, and a personal statement. Make sure you fulfill all the requirements before applying.

Step 3: Apply Online

Most universities in Austria have an online application process. You will need to create an account and submit your application online. Make sure you have all the required documents before starting the application process.

Step 4: Pay the Application Fee

Once you have submitted your application, you will need to pay the application fee. This will vary depending on the university and program you are applying to. Make sure you have the necessary funds available to cover the fee.

Step 5: Wait for an Admission Decision

After submitting your application and paying the fee, you will have to wait for an admission decision. This can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the university and the program. Be patient and do not hesitate to contact the university if you have any questions or concerns.

Step 6: Secure a Student Visa

If you are accepted into a university in Austria, you will need to apply for a student visa. This will allow you to enter Austria and stay in the country for the duration of your studies. Check with the university and the Austrian embassy in your country for visa requirements and application procedures.

By following these steps, you can successfully apply to a university in Austria as an international student.

About the author: Dr. Wolfgang Sender studied sociology and political science and has been writing as a journalist on international career issues since 2018. He is the author of several books and many articles.

Facts and figures

  • Austria is home to over 22,000 international students.
  • Vienna, the capital of Austria, has been ranked as one of the best cities for students in the world.
  • Austrian universities are known for their high-quality research in various fields.
  • The University of Vienna is the largest university in Austria with over 92,000 students.
  • Around 80% of Austrian students choose to study at public universities.
  • Graz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck are popular student cities in Austria.
  • Austria has a high standard of living and offers a safe and friendly environment for students.

Cost of Studying in Austria

Studying in Austria is an excellent choice for international students seeking a high-quality education in Europe. However, it is important to note that the cost of living and studying in Austria can be relatively higher compared to other European countries. Students must be prepared to budget accordingly to cover their expenses while studying in Austria.

Expense Estimated Cost
Tuition fees Varies by university and program. Generally ranges from €363 to €726 per semester for EU/EEA students. Non-EU/EEA students pay higher fees, ranging from €726 to €1,500 per semester.
Accommodation Varies depending on location and type of accommodation. On-campus student dormitories can cost €200 to €400 per month, while private apartments can cost €400 to €800 per month.
Food Estimated at €250 to €300 per month.
Transportation Public transportation in Austria is reliable and affordable, with monthly passes costing around €50. Bicycles are a popular and inexpensive mode of transportation.
Books and Supplies Estimated at €50 to €100 per month.
Health Insurance EU/EEA students must have valid health insurance from their home country, while non-EU/EEA students must purchase Austrian health insurance for around €58 per month.

While the cost of studying in Austria may seem daunting, there are also many opportunities for financial aid and scholarships. International students can apply for scholarships offered by Austrian universities, the Austrian government, and private organizations. It is important to research and apply for these opportunities early on to increase the chances of receiving financial support.

Accommodation and Living in Austria

When studying in Austria, one of the most important considerations is accommodation. There are a variety of housing options available to students, including student dormitories, private apartments, and homestays.

Student dormitories are a popular choice for international students, as they provide a built-in community and often have affordable rent. They also typically offer services such as laundry facilities and common areas for socializing. Private apartments are another option, but they can be more expensive and require more responsibility in terms of managing utilities and maintenance.

It is important to begin your search for accommodation as early as possible, as the best options tend to fill up quickly. The student services office at your chosen university can often provide guidance and resources for finding housing.

Pros of Student Dormitories Cons of Student Dormitories
Community atmosphere and built-in social life Less privacy and independence
Often affordable rent Shared spaces can be noisy or messy
Convenient services such as laundry and common areas May have restrictions on guests or visitors

Once you have secured housing, it is important to adjust to daily life in Austria. The country has a rich cultural heritage and unique customs that may take some getting used to. For example, it is common to greet others with a handshake or kiss on each cheek, and punctuality is highly valued. Additionally, be prepared for differences in food and cuisine, as Austrian dishes are often heavier and meat-based.

  • Some tips for adjusting to life in Austria include:
  • Learning a few basic phrases in German, such as greetings and expressions of gratitude.
  • Familiarizing yourself with the public transportation system, as it is often the most convenient way to get around.
  • Seeking out cultural activities and events, such as concerts or festivals, to immerse yourself in Austrian culture.

Overall, studying in Austria provides a wide range of opportunities for personal and academic growth. By finding suitable accommodation and embracing the country’s unique culture, international students can make the most of their time in Austria.

Student Life in Austria

Being part of a supportive student community can enhance your overall study abroad experience, and Austria offers just that. Students in Austria can engage in various extracurricular activities, social events, and clubs and organizations.

Campus Activities

Most universities in Austria have an active student union that plans and organizes events throughout the year. These events range from academic conferences to cultural festivals and sports tournaments. Joining a campus club or society is also an excellent way to meet new people, learn new skills, and engage in exciting activities.

Outdoor Activities

Austria is famous for its stunning natural beauty, and students can take advantage of numerous outdoor activities throughout the country. Skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and biking are some of the most popular activities among students. Austria boasts some of the best slopes and trails in Europe, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Cultural Events

Austria has a rich culture and history, and students can explore it by attending various cultural events and festivals. Music festivals, including the famous Salzburg Festival, attract thousands of visitors from all over the world. Film festivals, theater performances, and art exhibitions are also popular among students in Austria.

Overall, student life in Austria is vibrant and exciting, offering numerous opportunities to learn, explore, and engage with the local community. As an international student, taking part in these activities can help you integrate into Austrian society, make new friends, and enhance your study abroad experience.

Working in Austria

Working while studying in Austria is a great way to gain work experience, earn extra income, and improve your German language skills. As an international student, you are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during semester breaks. Here’s what you need to know about working in Austria:

Rules and Regulations

Before you begin working, you will need to apply for a work permit from the Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS). The work permit is usually granted for the duration of your stay in Austria and allows you to work for any employer. However, there are restrictions on working in certain industries, such as nightclubs, casinos, and escort services.

It’s important to note that you will also need to have a valid residence permit and health insurance in order to work in Austria. You will also be required to pay income tax on your earnings.

Finding a Job

The best way to find a job in Austria is through networking and online job portals. Many Austrian universities have job placement services that can help you find part-time work. You can also check job portals such as Indeed, Monster, and Karrieretipps.

You may also want to consider freelance work or starting your own business. To do so, you will need to register with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and obtain the necessary permits.

Managing Work and Study

It’s important to balance your work and study commitments to avoid burnout. Make sure to plan your schedule in advance, prioritize your assignments, and communicate with your employer about your availability.

You may also want to consider taking advantage of the university’s flexible learning options, such as online courses or evening classes. This can allow you to maximize your time and balance your work and study commitments.

Healthcare in Austria

The healthcare system in Austria is ranked as one of the best in the world. As an international student studying in Austria, you will be required to have health insurance that meets the Austrian standards.

The standard health insurance for students is provided by the Austrian National Insurance Company (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse – ÖGK). In addition to the mandatory insurance, you can opt for supplementary private health insurance that covers additional benefits such as dental care and alternative medicine.

Healthcare Services Description
Doctor Visits You can visit any general practitioner or specialist in Austria with your health insurance card. You will be required to pay a fee known as a “co-payment” or “patient contribution”.
Hospital Treatment If you require hospital treatment, your health insurance will cover the costs. You will be responsible for paying a daily co-payment fee for the duration of your stay.
Emergency Care If you require emergency medical care, dial 144 for an ambulance or go to the nearest emergency room. The cost of emergency care is covered by your health insurance.

It is important to note that dental care is not covered by the standard health insurance in Austria. However, most universities offer dental clinics where you can receive affordable dental treatment.

In case of sickness or mental health issues, universities in Austria offer support services to students. You can also seek mental health support through the Austrian public health system by visiting a general practitioner or a mental health specialist.

Transport in Austria

Getting around Austria is easy and convenient due to its well-developed public transportation system. The country offers a variety of transportation options, including buses, trains, and bicycles, making it easy for students to travel both locally and nationally.

Public Transportation

The public transportation system in Austria is considered one of the best in Europe, with a variety of options available to students. Bus and subway systems operate in major cities like Vienna, Graz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. The trains in Austria are known for their punctuality and high comfort levels.

To use public transportation, students need to purchase a ticket or pass, which can be bought at ticket machines, ticket offices, and from the bus or train driver. It is important to remember to validate your ticket before you board the train or bus.


Bicycling is a popular mode of transportation in Austria, especially in urban areas. Cities like Vienna and Salzburg have dedicated bike lanes and bike rental services. Bicycling is not only an affordable mode of transportation but also a great way to stay active and enjoy the beautiful landscapes in Austria.


Students who wish to drive in Austria will need to obtain an International Driver’s License. The roads in Austria are well-maintained, and driving is generally safe. However, traffic can be congested in major cities, and parking can be difficult to find in busy areas.

Air Travel

Austria has several airports, with Vienna International Airport being the busiest and most well-connected. Salzburg Airport and Innsbruck Airport are also popular airports for travelers.

Overall, transportation in Austria is affordable, convenient, and reliable, making it easy for students to explore the country and travel to other destinations within Europe.

Cultural Activities and Attractions in Austria

Studying in Austria not only provides you with a top-quality education but also offers a plethora of cultural activities and attractions to explore. From world-renowned music festivals to breathtaking natural landscapes, Austria has something for everyone.

Music Festivals

Austria is known for its rich musical heritage, and attending a music festival should be on every student’s to-do list. One of the most famous festivals is the Salzburg Festival, which takes place every July and August and is dedicated to classical music and opera. The Vienna Jazz Festival, which runs for two weeks in June and July, is another must-see event for music lovers.

Museums and Art Galleries

For those interested in art and history, Austria has an abundance of museums and art galleries to explore. The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna boasts an impressive collection of artwork from the Habsburg dynasty, while the Belvedere Palace is home to Gustav Klimt’s famous painting, “The Kiss.” The Museum of Modern Art in Salzburg is also worth a visit for its contemporary exhibitions.

Attraction Location
Schönbrunn Palace Vienna
Hallstatt Salzkammergut region
The Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves Werfen

Nature and Outdoor Activities

Austria is also known for its stunning natural landscapes and offers a range of outdoor activities, including hiking, skiing, and cycling. The Salzkammergut region, located south of Salzburg, is a popular destination for its picturesque lakes and mountains. For winter sports enthusiasts, the Tyrolean Alps offer some of the best skiing and snowboarding in Europe.

  • Visit the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, one of the most beautiful palaces in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Explore the picturesque village of Hallstatt, located in the Salzkammergut region.
  • Take a tour of the Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves in Werfen, the largest ice caves in the world.

Overall, studying in Austria provides students with a unique opportunity to not only further their education but also immerse themselves in a rich cultural experience that they will never forget.

Questions and Answers

Here are some frequently asked questions about studying in Austria:

Do I need a visa to study in Austria?

Students from the EU/EEA/Switzerland and some other countries do not need a visa to study in Austria. However, students from certain countries may need a student visa or a residence permit. It is recommended to check with the Austrian embassy or consulate in your home country for specific visa requirements.

What language do I need to know to study in Austria?

The language of instruction in most universities in Austria is German. However, some universities offer programs in English or other languages. It is recommended to check the language requirements of your desired program and institution.

How much does it cost to study in Austria?

The cost of studying in Austria varies depending on the university and program. Generally, tuition fees for international students range from €700 to €1,500 per semester. Living expenses such as accommodation, food, and transportation can also vary, but are estimated to be around €800-€1,000 per month.

Are there scholarships or financial aid available for international students?

Yes, there are a variety of scholarships and financial aid options available for international students studying in Austria. These include government scholarships, university-specific scholarships, and scholarships offered by private institutions. It is recommended to check with the university or scholarship provider for specific eligibility and application requirements.

Can I work while studying in Austria?

Yes, international students in Austria are allowed to work part-time up to 20 hours per week during the semester and full-time during university vacations. However, it is recommended to check with your university and the Austrian government for specific rules and regulations regarding student employment.

Personal Suitability Test: Is Studying in Austria Right for You?

Before you consider studying in Austria, it's important to assess your personal suitability for this unique educational experience. The following questions will help you determine if studying in Austria is the right fit for you.

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